Monday, September 28, 2009

Silver Falls in June

After finals were over at WSCC, we headed south to Silver Falls State Park. Unfortunately, I (Jeff) found out the 2 bedroom cabin I had booked was actually for the week before - oops! But we found a nearby cabin and paid again for somewhere to stay for the night. The next day we hiked the "Trail of Ten Falls". It was 9 miles and wore us out!

Here are pics of 6 of the 10 beautiful waterfalls:

Upper North Falls, 65 ft.

North Falls, 136 ft.

Middle North Falls, 106 ft.

Lower North Falls, 30 ft.

Lower South Falls, 93 ft.

South Falls, 177 ft.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ranch in June

Before Teresa joined me in Utah for Kaytie's wedding, I came down and drove over to the 7F Ranch for a few days! Here are a few pictures I took to help me remember some of my well-loved spots.

The first field below the log home.

Log home in center.

Jeff at the third river.

Lower yard and ponds.

Ponds and lodge.

Bigger pond at sunset.

Ranch silhouette.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

March/April (catching up 2 months at a time!)

Here I am back in March.

This is Chandler & Benson playing on our banana chair on a Sunday evening.

Cape Lookout State Park in Oregon.

For spring break I went to the coast with a couple friends - we stayed in a yurt!

The yurt was just a walk away from the beach. I actually stayed there with Daniel (Benson's dad) & Brandon (Chandler's dad). We played a few games of Settler of Catan!

The middle car is my pinewood derby car (yes, that is a can of potted meat strapped to the top).

Here is Teresa back in April (of course, now her hair is EVEN SHORTER!).