Sunday, March 4, 2012

December – February

So, I graduated in December.
Well, I “walked” in December. University of Western States (chiropractic college) only holds graduation twice a year, so I walked in December but I truly graduate around March 19.
I’m graduating in like 3 weeks! Hard to believe I’m almost done with this step in the process of life. I am now studying for my final national board tests that I take in 2 weeks - while interviewing with chiropractors I can work for during the next 1-2 years.

My plan is to be an “associate” for a chiropractor for a couple years before opening my own practice. We would like to be in Northern Utah during that time, but if there isn’t anything promising we are willing to go out of state. We’ll let you know what happens!

So here are a few pictures from “graduation” in December.
My My

My My My

My awesome Mom missed a Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert to fly up here for the graduation! It was great to have her and Teresa here to give me a lot of attention. My My

My "graduation" from University of Western States (chiropractic college). They only hold graduation twice a year, so I walked in December but I truly graduate around March 19!
My My My "graduation" from University of Western States (chiropractic college). They only hold graduation twice a year, so I walked in December but I truly graduate around March 19!

Also, we went to Utah for the awesome 3 week long Christmas break. We spent time with both our families and even got to be there when my brother, Joe, got back from his mission to the Netherlands. Funny, but I didn’t actually get any pictures at the airport with him. Sorry, Joe.

Oh yeah, and I didn’t have to shave while we visited the Ranch up in Wyoming for a week!
didn't shave the week I was at the Ranch, so came back to the Spilkers looking like this

And the big thing that happened in February was our 9 Year Anniversary! (sorry, no pictures…!).