Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Newport for Teresa's Birthday!

For Teresa's birthday we drove the 3 hours southwest to Newport on the coast of Oregon. We arrived late Friday night (Sep. 5) and left Sunday afternoon.

We awoke to a gorgeous ocean view!

We toured the tallest lighthouse on the Oregon coast (93 feet tall):Yaquina Head Lighthouse , built in 1872 and just restored last year.

114 stairs to the top to see the original lense still in use. The light shines 162 feet above the ocean and can be seen 19 miles out to sea.


Natalie said...

I love the panoramic pics. So beautiful!

Unknown said...

So awesome! You guys seem to be having a blast out there, jealous! Happy belated birthday Teresa!

Yvonne said...

We were just at the Oregon coast (Seaside) in April and saw the lighthouses! And four years ago, we were at Depot Bay for our honeymoon (in December) and went down to Newport and the aquarium. So fun!!!