Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oregon Coast Aquarium and Yaquina Bay

While in Newport we visited the Oregon Coast Aquarium and the shops at Bayfront (at the docks of Yaquina Bay).

Freaky eels.

Freaky spider crabs.

Teresa touching stingray.

Jeff enjoying the feeling of being underwater with the fishies.

Teresa amongst the sharks.

Yaquina Bay Bridge seen from the Bayfront.

Seals at the docks of the Bayfront.

Teresa giddy as a schoolgirl at the candy store!


Heidi and Rich said...

You guys are too cute. I am glad to hear you got to travel for her birthday. Having time together is so important. Good luck with school Jeffrey.

Kate the Great said...

Hello Portlanders!
I am getting really bored at looking at this creepy eel. I want to see more of you guys!
Thanks, Kate