Friday, August 6, 2010

Jan – June 2010

Okay, now that I’m taking the summer off from school (Jeff), it is time for some catching up. Not much happened in January & in February we celebrated our 7 year anniversary!

In March, we got to go home to Utah. But first I visited the Ranch for a couple days!P1080570 P1080602 P1080610



Since my family, the Faveros, were going to be moving to a new home, I gathered some of my artwork from my childhood. Here is an awesome poem I wrote, and the accompanying drawing – I remember that the knight’s head was so big that I had to draw him standing next to the horse (I guess he’s there to pick up the sword!). That is my painting of the Ranch (gee, I must like that place) and then evidence of my colorblindness in the purple sky and flag.P1080641P1080635P1080636

In Utah, I was able to arrive in time for my sister Rachel’s birthday party. That is her adorable daughter, Fia.P1080663 P1080691 P1080694

May, back in Portland, I captured a gorgeous rainbow and then turned around to see this sunset – all right at our apartments!P1080718P1080701 P1080740

And here, in June, is one of Teresa’s creepy pets! She enjoys collecting freaky spiders in mason jars so she can look at them and feed them ants and stuff.P1080772


Brandon and Bethany said...


Krista said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one in my family that has a fascination with spiders & bugs! I had a pet black widow for 6 months!