Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rest of Summer 2011

Okay, quick catching up of the rest of our summer. We did some camping (all right, just once) at Battleground Lake in Washington. After hauling our gear up to the spot with 3-4 wheelbarrow trips, and setting up camp, it was SOOO refreshing to take a swim in the cool lake water. Refreshing for Jeff anyway. Teresa just watched.
P1110090I took a good swim in the lake (felt good after getting hot hauling all the gear to the camp with wheelbarrow, and then putting up the tent with Tee)

And then July, as always, was packed with all kinds of fun. Teresa’s parents came for her Dad’s second Seattle to Portland bike race. Yes, over 200 miles in 1 day. Awesome! It was so great to see them, and Ann even let me take her picture!
STP bike race (Seattle to Portland) - in ONE day this time, 202 miles!STP bike race (Seattle to Portland) - in ONE day this time, 202 miles!STP bike race (Seattle to Portland) - in ONE day this time, 202 miles!STP bike race (Seattle to Portland) - in ONE day this time, 202 miles!

Then my Mom, Dad, and youngest brother (Ben) drove up and spent a few days with us. Becca, Kaytie, and Christian were already living up here for the summer so it was a blast! We toured the Timberline Lodge at Mount Hood with a nice southern view of Mount Jefferson. In the movie “The Shining” they used the exterior of this lodge to represent the cold, empty, manor where Jack Nicholson’s character lived with his family for a season....”Here’s Johnny!”
P1110372playing ping pong in the dining roomP1110386view from Timberline Lodge - of Mount Jefferson

Then we hiked to Mirror Lake with great views of Mount Hood.

And, of course, visited some falls in the Columbia River Gorge. We also checked out the Bonneville Lock & Dam where we watched the fish swim up the fish ladder and the lamprey sticking on the windows!
P1110447Lamprey at the Fish Ladder

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